Remarkable Underwater World |

It has happened again. We have found something in the underwater world that we were not expecting. We did not think we would find it nor would it ever be there. Of all people, it came from Richard Branson. Now, I have nothing against Richard. For what I know of him, I respect him. Really where I respect him more; is that he has the desire to explore. He is the one that helped create the commercial version of NASA to take people into space. He was also in the race with Cameron to reach the deepest point in the world with a civilian craft. While Cameron won that race; Mr. Branson did not stop there and his funding has brought new and remarkable discoveries in our Ocean World. The latest is in the Cayman Trench, in the Caribbean Sea. A team of researchers with an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) have discovered “chimneys” at the deepest points ever found. These chimneys are where super heated gas from the core of the earth are expelled. These chimneys have also thrown out the concept that life could only happen with the sun. Because life happens here, in abundance. It is this exploration that gives me hope and dreams for our youth. It also gives me the desire to keep propelling our youth to take up scuba diving, exploration and the desire to seek out a new world. OK, little Star Trekkie there but our undersea world is something to seek out. We know more about our moon then the ocean floor. Great miracles can come from the ocean yet. Our children are going to be the ones to unlock the secrets finally. They can only do that if we foster their desire to look to the ocean as their new frontier. If you want to see more about the ocean floor and what the team found, click on the link below. I hope you show your children and try to spark their interest in the science, wonder and desire to explore. Link for the Cayman Trench finds: Mike Shea

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